Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How Does One Write?

How do I write?
            To me writing can be done anywhere, at any time. If you’re suddenly inspired with a story or an experience, write it down! For schoolwork though, it seems easier to write if it’s in the same spot with the same setting each time.
            When I get home after sports or whatever I have that night, I will generally leave any writing portion of my homework for last. After finishing Spanish translations and math problems, I will eventually sit down and write. In my room, I have a white, wooden desk with a chair that has a seat made of bungee cords. I always move whatever is on my desk to my bed so that I can spread out across my desk. I am also one of those people who cannot work when it is quiet, no matter how hard I try. If it has to be pure silence (like in class sometimes), I always have a song running through my head, making it hard to concentrate. At home I usually open my window so I can hear the noises from the street. Even if it’s cold, I’ll put on a sweater and shut the blinds so that the wind doesn’t come through as much. Otherwise I’ll pick a playlist on my iPod and just let it run while I work.
Finally I’ll sit down, push some lead through a mechanical pencil and write. More often then not, the first sheet of writing goes in the trash. It’s like anything else; I think you need to warm up before you can really do a fine job. If I’m unable to have these ideal conditions to write in, I can still write anywhere. Whether it’s on the bus home from a soccer game, or happily in my cozy room, I feel that good writing can occur anywhere, it just might not be as easy to get out right away.

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