Friday, March 9, 2012

Where Daisy Leads, Gatsby Will Follow

                The song I picked is “Where You Lead” by Carole King because I feel that it illustrates the love that Gatsby feels for Daisy in our novel. Gatsby is willing to do anything for Daisy, and he has literally spent the past five years of his life trying to see and be with her again.
And I would go to the ends of the earth
Cause, darling, to me that's you're worth”
                This set of lyrics completely reminds me of how Gatsby has been throwing elaborate parties for people he barely knows in the hopes that Daisy will finally come to one. Whatever it takes to see her, Gatsby is willing to do. Another set of lyrics that I feel represents their relationship later on in the book is:
“I always wanted a real home with flowers on the window sill
But if you want to live in New York city, honey, you know I will”
                This part literally represents that fact that Gatsby moved to his mansion on West Egg in order to be closer to Daisy. Even though he says how much he loves the Middle West and San Francisco, the man who could live almost anywhere in the world chooses to move to a huge home near the girl he loves, even though she doesn’t know.

“I never thought I could get satisfaction from just one man
But if anyone can keep me happy, you're the one who can”
                Daisy is a complicated character, and we never truly learn who she loves: Tom, Gatsby, or both of them. From what she says though, these lyrics agree with the fact that it was hard for her to settle down and get married to Tom, while still believing that Gatsby might be the only one who can keep her happy.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you connected this song with the book, and I think the lyrics that you chose fits well with it. I don't think I've heard this song before, but I definitely will soon! :) I especially like the connection of the second passage of lyrics, because the lyrics basically states exactly what Gastby did, so that was pretty awesome...Good song!
